Friday, August 14, 2009

RKC Survey Leg III in SE Alaska Mid July

Lyre Crab

Arrowtooth Flounder

Quillback Rockfish

We stopped over in Gustavus one morning and played a round of golf at the local golf course.

My 3rd Halibut of the season 12.8 lbs not very big but still made some nice fillets.

Filleting a halibut

A wrymouth eel. You had to be careful not to get your hand in the way of its mouth cause it could definitely break it.

Remnants of a WWII P.O.W. camp

We rode our bikes up to Neka Hotsprings near Hoonah it was about an 8 mile bike ride.

We pulled up a crab pot with this Great Sculpin and it had this Yellowfin Sole inside its mouth and it was still alive!!

This is what we use to chop bait for the pots. We take a block of frozen herring and put it through the bait chopper, then fill the bait jars.

Helmet Crab

Dungeness Crab

Shooting skeet.

First time shooting a shot gun and I hit my 1st 2 skeet. Everyone was impressed.